
Common Hymnal is an online platform that has been set up as an outlet for creatives on the outermost margins of the Christian faith. One of the consequences of the dramatic shifts in culture in recent years is the displacement of a generation of gifted artists and thought leaders who are writing songs and telling stories that do not fit the religious industrial complex. In making a home for these people, Common Hymnal has been able to curate an intriguing catalog of music that centers life, justice and underground spirituality, covering a wide range of subject matter in a broad range of styles. As such, Common Hymnal has recorded and released a fresh collection of songs each year since its inception. All the while, the clamor for this music to be brought into live spaces has been on the increase. The ecosystem is full of gifted performers, and different combos of artists are traveling out to do shows on a regular basis. Because of the intentionality of the lyrics, the project has gained significant traction in the justice movement. The aspiration is to become more and more a part of the zeitgeist of the culture at large.

“Common Hymnal is that space and community that reminds us that our faith needs to be lived fully in the world. When I listen to their songs of Praise and Protest, I am transported back to South Africa and the struggle days against apartheid. Our songs in and outside church proclaimed to the world that we are children of a Loving God who wanted us all to be free.” (Nontombi Tutu)

“Common Hymnal is where I hope the future of music resides. That’s why I’m here. I hope what they bring to the conversation is what got you here as well. Feel free to talk back.” (Tommy Sims)

”Common Hymnal is reaching the world with a message of Christ-centered personal and collective liberation. Their music is a movement and their songs lift the heart, spirit and hands.” (Dr Vonnetta West)

Pop Up Bands vary in size depending on the nature of the invite.