Ahmaud Arbery


Ahmaud Arbery


Frozen. Everything is meaningless. Life stopped for him. Life should stop for everyone. Everyone should pause, turn and take notice. 

Anger should rise up. Grief should set in. Pain should be felt in your chest. Pressure in your head. Tension in your jaw. 

How do I rise? What do I say? Where do I place my anger and pain? Where should I release this pressure?

He is me. That’s all that keeps going through my mind as he collapses to the pavement. My God, I’m in tears. I’m grieving for you — for us. You are us. His name might as well have been Bobby Alexandre.

What a reality.

Because it was him, it could have been me. 

And one day, it could be my sons. My friends, can’t you see? Do you get what that means? Because it was him, it could have been me!

Bobby Alexandre



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