Common Hymnal
A virtual hymnbook stocked with forward-facing content from the spiritual underground, channeling an eclectic art movement in which praise and protest live side by side.
On Tour
Because of our bent toward justice, we have built alliances with leaders and organizations that have a presence outside of evangelical subculture, that are tackling the justice-related issues that are a matter of survival to people on the fringe. One of these is Live Free USA, led by Pastor Mike McBride. We packaged the final dress rehearsal for a tour we did with Live Free USA as a BTS product.
If you would like us to put together a pop-up band for an event, please click here.

Big Picture
Institutionalized Christianity has been going through a massive shaking these past few years. No one knows exactly what tomorrow holds, but one thing is for sure: the Christian world is in a season of significant change. Escapism has been challenged by realism. Sacred vs Secular dualism by a more integrated approach to life. Status quo by social activism. Judgmentalism by compassion. Exclusion by inclusion. Male dominance by gender equality. Hierarchy by egalitarianism. Racism by the flourishing of BIPOC leadership. Colonization by the rise of former colonies, both geographic and spiritual. The leveraging of ‘spiritual brands’ for monetary gain by a call to return to the way of Jesus, the way of servanthood. On the opposite end of the spectrum we have witnessed the brash doubling down of White Christian Nationalism, its rabid pursuit of political power, and the resultant confusion, dissonance and polarity. In this process, an emerging generation of forward-thinking artists and thought leaders have been experiencing an increasing disconnect from the religious industrial complex, the ‘overground’, and finding shelter on the sidelines, the ‘spiritual underground’. Notwithstanding, their voices are exceedingly important, with the potential to help the society at large grab a hold of the future and drag it into the present.
With all of this in mind, Common Hymnal was created as a virtual library to help people navigate these uncertain times and find safe passage into the future by loading them up with insightful content from the underground.
History teaches us that the future is innovated at the margins. Therefore, our efforts to treasure hunt the periphery of the faith to find these displaced voices, and to stock this library with their songs, stories and ideas, exposing the broader community to the important conversations and cultural shifts that are happening on the fringe. In providing an outlet for these changemakers, Common Hymnal has been able to curate an intriguing catalog that is free of colonial residue - filled with content that centers life, justice and underground spirituality; that embraces both praise and protest; that treasures healing, restitution and reparation; that comforts the disheartened and emboldens the courageous.
As a word of clarification, we do not think of protest as a random trolling of the various social media platforms and attacking people with emotionally charged comments. We wholeheartedly believe that the most effective way to challenge injustice and bring about systemic change is to give voice to the hidden genius that has been formed in the hearts and minds of the marginalized, the disenfranchised and the oppressed.
We are not pursuing a platform in the Christian bubble, nor are we seeking to recycle familiar practices with new packaging. Neither are we revolting against the ‘overground’. We are, however, convinced that God is doing important work outside the current structures, and we are serving those who share this conviction. Some people find themselves on the outskirts because of prophetic insight, some because of unfortunate experiences in the system that have caused them to search out a place of safety in the underground. With regard the latter, we are fully aware of the risks involved in working with people who are still healing from religious trauma. Nevertheless, the example of Jesus and the people that he gathered compels to keep living dangerously.
When it comes to music, underground believers tend not to be drawn to the current trends. They are hungry to build out a more exploratory genre that applies faith to all of the realities of life. They are not comfortable with cliches, hype or spiritual fads but hungry for thoughtfulness and honesty. Hence, this hymnal’s showcasing of an eclectic and curious culture, embodied in a broad spectrum of subject matters, styles and production sensibilities.
This venture is more of a long distance run than a sprint. We are not pretending to be culturally ‘woke’, while secretly hoping to make it big in the praise and worship scene - in disguise. When we say we are ‘underground’, we truly mean it!
Want to join us in the work?

Most Recent Songs
Hip Hop
Our first Hip Hop release is a 7 track EP titled ‘We Outside.’

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