When the smoke and mirrors fade away, only what is real will remain.
Read MoreAn honest prayer to the Lord of the shared hardship that can be found in many of the lived experiences of the AAPI community.
Read More“History has shown us that courage can be contagious.” (Michelle Obama)
Read MoreWhat‘s it gonna take for the cycle to end?
Read MoreThere comes a time you can’t pretend, and you’ll just have to start again.
Read More”This song is everything I have to say and give in this season.” (Praise Paige)
Read MoreLines is a charge to lean into the selfless love of Jesus and to resist judgement and self righteousness and embrace empathy, care, and action that dignifies others.
Read More”A very real sadness in our world is apathy, which leads to our inability to see and feel for those, closest to us, who are hurting and in need.” (Connor Wheaton)
Read More”Pondering the question of what it means to be and become both good and fair, this song is simply a conversation between a man and his creator.” (Connor Stephen)
Read MoreA song for the times when we face the fragility and brevity of human life.
Read More”If I could go back in time and talk to 13-year-old me, I’d tell her that all the pieces of this sometimes puzzled life eventually fall into place.” (Brittney Spencer)
Read More"Rose Petals, simply put, is a song that pleads with our society to grieve the loss of human life. We can only do that when we remove ourselves from tribalism and observe loss without a filter." (Dee Wilson)
Read More”I wanted to address some real issues while encompassing anticipation. When I wrote this song, I was encouraging/reminding myself that, in the midst of all the pain and suffering, there is and always will be hope.” (Emily Brimlow)
Read More"My Time Will Come is the song for the burnt out, the restless, and those who've grown tired of waiting." (Andrew Huang)
Read More"I wanted to write a song where I set up a scenario with Jesus introducing himself to people who didn't want to have anything to do with him." (Jenny Wahlström)
Read More”This song devotional is a beautiful way to begin the New Year.” (Mark Alan Schoolmeesters)
Read More“For the last 7 years I’ve been playing music in hospitals and nursing homes around Dallas. I’m frequently reminded that life is a fragile miracle and that nothing is guaranteed. Most mornings I find myself praying: ‘Thank you, God, for another breath, another day.’” (Paul Demer)
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