One And The Same


One And The Same

"This summer I contributed to the Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC. Wild Goose is a music and arts festival focused on the intersection of faith and social justice. Simply put, Wild Goose is a sort of “Burning Man” for hippy dippy Christians who seek to find new forms of liturgy and activism, while camping in the beautiful North Carolinian woods.

In between worship leading and performing commitments, I got to hear a number of speakers. I was struck by one woman’s story of a prison ministry, Timothy’s Gift, in which she regularly serves the Eucharist to both prison inmates and their guards. In those moments, while receiving the sacrament, both inmate and guard are reminded of their “nothingness in front of the awesome history of God.”

I’d already written “One and the Same” by this point, but the woman’s testimony certainly helped to contextualize the song. Indeed, we, the seekers and the sinners, are confronted with our own nothingness when receiving what only comes free of charge. We remember that we hunger for bread and thirst for wine – a meal that we could not have made – one and the same." (Paul Demer)

Written by Paul Demer (BMI)
© 2016 Common Hymnal Digital (BMI), Demer Music (BMI) (admin by, CCLI 7076678.

Most holy Son of God
Incarnate for us
You set a table in our midst
For the one who loved
The one who sold you out
The one who lied and ran away
Without one or the other
It would not be complete
You invite us to this table
One and the same

Most holy Son of Man
You’ve broken for us
Your bread and body, wine and blood
For the ones who seek
The ones who sought your end
The ones who mourned the dying day
Without criminals and robbers
Hanging justly accused
We might miss your forgiveness
Of one and the same

Most holy Prince of Peace
Stooped down on a knee
To wash the feet of your friends
The ones who knew
Not yet what you would do
To prove the depth of your love
If not for blinded disciples
We may not know the tale
Scales fall down as our eyes open
One and the same

CommunionCommon Hymnal