Body Poems


Body Poems


Your Body Is A Glory All Of Its Own

Your body is a glory all of its own
I hope you feel that deeply
In the marrow of your bones
And hold on to yourself as gently
As your mother once did
On the blessed day you were born

Secretions (No Secrets)
The saliva of our kisses
The sweat of our endeavor
The pus of our healing
The colostrum that feeds
The blood of our cycles
The semen that creates
Why do we feel any shame 
for all of this life?

Be At Peace With The Dust
Be at peace with the dust 
You are creating
Even as it shrouds 
The mantelpieces and photos frames
Of pictures of your younger years
When you were no more beautiful
Than you are right now

Human Beings Becoming Human
The skin loosens as it thins
The nails soften as they grow
The eyes darken as they squint
The heart tightens as it slows
The hairs gray as they narrow
The spine curves towards a slant
The muscles weaken as they stretch
The mind forgets against its want
We are human beings
Always becoming who we are

David Gate



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