That Good Kind Of Trouble
That Good Kind Of Trouble

”Jesus was a protestor; of empire, religious hypocrisy and injustice. John the Baptist said Jesus would take an axe to every tree that needs to be uprooted. He is still doing that work today.” (David Gate)
Written by David Gate (PRS), Ryan James Carr (ASCAP), Kevin Dailey
© 2020 Common Hymnal Publishing (ASCAP), Owlheart (ASCAP), Ryan James Carr (ASCAP), Common Hymnal Online, Kip Central (admin by CCLI 7161407.
I see Jesus writing in the sand
Defending a women caught in adultery
I see Jesus, spray can in hand
Defacing the monuments that celebrate slavery
I see Jesus striding into the temple
Flipping up tables and stirring a fervor
I see Jesus at capitol buildings
Demanding justice for Breonna Taylor
I see Jesus in Gethsemane
Arrested for claims that challenge an empire
I see Jesus in Minnesota
Teargassed for believing that Black Lives Matter
I see Jesus hassling the priests
Who claim one thing but live like another
I see Jesus hounding the pastors
Who won’t say ‘white privilege’ for thirty pieces of silver
I see Jesus cursing a fig tree
The religious orders he reduces to rubble
I see Jesus marching in protest
Getting himself into that good kind of trouble
Now this is my Lord and the way of my king
His road is narrow like the knife edge is thin
As we walk alongside him, the imposters start running
His kingdom is here, and it’s hour is coming