Initiative, Communication and Follow Through
Initiative, Communication and Follow Through
This motto is a wonderful capturing of what it means to love, and is the much heard mantra by anyone who has spent a decent amount of time with me.
Something that we learn very quickly in our journey with Jesus is that he is always one step ahead of us. He is the great initiator - always sharing ideas, always pointing us in a direction, always clearing the path for us. Before we loved him, he first loved us. We feel safe with him because of this internal assuredness that we could never out-initiate him. And when we talk about the Beloved Community, the great big egalitarian ecosystem that Jesus is building where everyone has a part to play, initiative is key.(Not to mention that it is antidote to hierarchy.)
There is a reason the Jesus is called the WORD of God. Ha.
Follow Through
All talk and no action is one of the biggest causes of insecurity, suspicion and doubt. Finishing things up is the biggest clue to ‘maturity’ and ‘character;.
Malcolm du Plessis